Twenty-first Ministerial Meeting of the Global Health Security Initiative
13 May, 2023 – Nagasaki, Japan
Ministers and Official Representatives of the Global Health Security Initiative (GHSI) participated in the Ministerial lunch meeting in Nagasaki to reaffirm the importance of strengthening global health preparedness and response to biological, chemical, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) threats. They shared their countries’ recent lessons learned with regard to accessing medical countermeasures (MCMs), a key component of a health crisis response.
Ministers and Official Representatives affirmed the importance of preparedness and collaborative work to ensure access to necessary MCMs to respond to all CBRN threats. They agreed to accelerate discussions on strengthening the system for sharing MCM-related information within the framework of the GHSI. They equally committed to work towards facilitating prompt access to MCMs by each country in case of an emergency, in order to rapidly respond to CBRN public health crises.